Ginger: [suicide note] No comment.
Ginger Snaps- Synopsis
Ginger and Brigitte are sisters. They enjoy your average teenager's games. Like, taking photos of each other while pretending to be dead. They have the usual girly chats, mostly about offing yourself ('Suicide is like.. the ultimate fuck you'). One day they run into a warewolf. Just another day in a teenagers life.
The Company of Wolves- Synopsis
Based on Angela Carter's book 'The Bloody Chamber' a feminist deconstruction of folk tales. Rosaleen (Sarah Patterson) falls asleep and through her dreams we are told the story of a certain wolf and a girl in the red hood.
The Company of Wolves- Synopsis
Based on Angela Carter's book 'The Bloody Chamber' a feminist deconstruction of folk tales. Rosaleen (Sarah Patterson) falls asleep and through her dreams we are told the story of a certain wolf and a girl in the red hood.
Review (spoilers)
The reception of 'Ginger Snaps' was enthusiastic. The movie almost immediately was hailed a feminist warewolf film. In fact, its writer (Karen Walton) was convinced to take part in the project only after being reassured it is not going to repeat cliches of women that are so abundant in horror. The movie is a low-budget production that exceeds in its professionalism many of the blockbusters. It's a hilarious dark comedy, amazingly acted and with a superb directing. I can't imagine anyone not having heaps of fun watchig it. The only question is, is it really a feminist movie? And how does it compare to the one based on Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber: The Company of Wolves?
Brigitte: Just say you won't go average on me.
Ginger: Just 'cause some gonad gets his zipper going? I'd rather be dead.
A warewolf as a metaphor for puberty and sexuality is an old theme. Unfortunately, I don't think 'Ginger Snaps' introduces anything new. Ginger changes are dangerous. She is the one who needs to be cured from her insanity. Brigette (Emily Perkins) represents the conservatist view. She's the pure virgin who tries to save her sister from the evil temptations of the flesh. In that, she is resourceful and independant. She inevitably becomes the embodimenet of The Final Girl. Her phallic weapon of choice is a needle, which she acquires from Sam (the emasculation phase). The struggle is magnified by the fact that these two are sisters. In the greater scheme of things, you might see the fight between them as an internalised conflict of the same person.
Ginger: [to Brigitte] A girl can only be a slut, a bitch, a tease, or the virgin next door.
There is also an issue of other people reacting to the stuation. In the first scene, we see a boy who discovers a brutally killed dog in his backyard. His mother screams at the sight and tries to hide her son away. She runs onto the street with him, shouting. A group of young boys play outside. They ignore her and keep on playing. These are interesting choices that the writer made to establish the story. We have a protective mother-figure. She turns for help (outside of her property/comfort zone), that never arrives. The boys are entirely indifferent to her struggle. All they care about is their game. The only connection between the male and female element in this scene, is in the function of motherhood. The biological bond that will be superseded by the much stronger (as seen by the unmoved boys reaction to the mother) relationship with other men, as soon as the boy will be old enough to play outside (the outside/inside symbol having a powerful meaning). The depiction of the male/female dynamic in families in Ginger Snaps' is very traditional. The mother takes care of the household (we see her doing the shopping, making the dinner). The father comes home from work and doesn't really seem to be interested in the lives of his daughters. When a whole family finds out about Ginger's first period, the father is embarrased and doesn't want to talk about it.
I understand why so many have been swooned over by the movie and thought it's a feminist project. On the surface, 'Ginger Snaps' creates a world with two independant female leads. Sisters who love each other. Two girls who are together in their fight. Unfortunately, the film doesn't challenge the established agenda, it repeats it. In the end, we get a story of a girl whose sexuality is seen as a threat (the monstrous feminine motif), she needs to be destroyed. Nothing new about that. A female is denied the power of her womenhood. She isn't allowed to enjoy it. She needs to die. The movie also doesn't work as a parody. It's sharp and witty alright. But, it duplicates the cliches too close to the skin to exist as a satirical commentary.
The symbol of a wolf in both the folk story and any of the warewolf movies stands for the same. Although, comparing 'The company of Wolves' and 'Ginger Snaps', the latter plays on the symbolism far less and in a less sophisticated way. In 'The company of Wolves' we have wonderful dream visions, populated by childhood's referances (creepy human-size teddy-bear getting a little too handsy with Rosaleen), menstruation referances (the white lotus flower changing colour into red) or religious commentary (the vicar whose too death to hear grandamother's tale). That is not to say that either of the approaches ('Ginger Snaps' boldness versus 'The Company of Wolves' finesse) is better than the other. It is what they try to convey that is really setting them apart.
Thanks to Angela Carter's brilliant book that has been skilfully adapted by the director, Neil Jordan, the story is given social and cultural depth. In the characters of The Grandmother, Mother and daughter we find three generations of women with entirely different attitudes towards the wolf. In the end, the animal is basically tamed by Rosaleen. She looks straight into the eyes of a wolf and makes a decision not to shoot. She almost feels sorry for him, when she realises all the other wolves abandoned him. There is nothing to be afraid of left anymore. She accepts the inevitability of the meeting with the beast. She also realises that the strange half-man, half-wolf is part of the nature, just as he is part of the village. He belongs in both worlds. And, as soon as she accepts that, she is no longer frightened. In the words of Rosaleen: And that's all I'll tell you, cause that's all I know.
Ginger Snaps IMDB Page
The Company of Wolves IMDB Page
I love the first two Ginger Snaps movies xD though I haven't ventured into the prequel. Or I guess... the Beginning xD