Monday, 15 November 2010

If I had my way...

There comes a day in every women's life when she just gets tired. Exhausted of all the laziness we fall into so easily. Me, you and everyone else; we are all guilty. You might say, I am clearly going overboard here. I mean, it's just cinema; it's just tv. At the end of the day, humankind has so much on its plate. But, you see, I can't imagine living withouth the magic of the moving image. And, for me, it's enough to speak out for a better day for it. 

I am bored of laziness of reviews I've been reading. The tv/film critics follow the rules that don't apply to the postmodern society. I'm surprised there's so little on-line talk about feminism in cinema. There should be more buzz about truly independent women characters in the cinema/tv stories. There should be more commotion about some amazing women in the industry. We all (women and men) should not allow the inequality and exploitation. Because, it harms us all. 

So, this is my on-line say, little blog in which I plan to just speak my mind. And, maybe, at some point sparkle some discussion... a girl can dream, right? :)

My plan is to focus on strong women who are really independent. They don't play the helpers role. They don't need to be saved. They stand tall and tough on their own. 

Hang in there, baby! 

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